Apologies for my long absence, but it has been a rather overwhelming summer.
I do tend to get a slight case of the blues in July, with so much to do: the weeds, the slugs, the hares, the re-sowing, clipping back, tying up, watering, fertilizing, etc etc. and this year was no exception.
Also, with everyone being on holiday, life tends to move outdoors, and consequently away from the computer...
We also painted the house this year, which really uglified the flowerbeds, so I wasn't particularly inspired to post lots of pretty photos.
Trampled flowerbeds. |
But, as most gardeners say, "It'll be lovely next year..."
There have been a few gems though:
Rose No. 1, Queen Elizabeth, in bloom. |
A few great harvests, in particular yummy cucumbers and an endless supply of rocket. |
The magnificent bouquet of Musk Mallow flowers that had to be
removed from the flowerbeds so we could paint the house. |
Lots and lots and lots of herbs... |
Rose No. 4, New Dawn, being trained up an old apple tree. |
Rose No. 3, Bonica, in bloom. |
An endless supply of Sweet Peas filling my bathroom with perfume. |
A quick mention of Rose No. 2, Fairy, which has spread madly and wildly in one of the flowerbeds. I don't have a photo of it unfortunately, and I would pop out and take a picture if the heavens had not completely opened while writing this post... It is absolutely TIPPING it down! So you'll have to take my word for it...
Anyway, I feel I must also show you a little nastiness.... so please look away now if you are faint-hearted...
One of many slug collections... BLEUGH!! |
Sorry to end on such a yucky note, but this was very much a part of my 2012 summer, and so had to be shared.
Happy August!