Sunday, 1 April 2012

Hard frost last night

I just don't learn do I...

I knew it was going to be cold last night, I'd even wrapped up all my hydrangeas and herbs in nice thick fleece, and yet when I saw that it wasn't going to snow after all last night, I managed to convinced myself I could start planting stuff out... I just couldn't wait.

Yesterday - wonderful warm soil for my mange tout babies...

Giving them a good water.
It was quite windy yesterday so I gave them a little bit of protection with a couple of panes of glass from broken lanterns. That may have helped protect them from the frost, 'cause luckily they survived the night. Phew...

Today - the soil is frozen solid in the foreground, where I've
planted & heavily watered some anemone bulbs. Doh!
It was about -5oC when I woke up at 7.30. This ice is
too thick to break with just my hand...

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